Improve Your Non-Native English Written Content

It is very difficult to get good quality content written by non-native English writers. Here at 11Creations we provide the ideal solution with our exceptional native English proofreading and editing services.

Proofreading and editing is crafted exclusively by native English writers originating from the USA or UK. This ensures that your written content is 100% correct, flows nicely and makes perfect sense. During the editing and proofreading process not only is spelling and grammar checked, but so is the context, word order, phraseology, etc. Additionally, copy is edited to meet your specific SEO needs.

The proofreading and editing service, here at 11Creations, can be a cost-effective way to improve the quality of your written material to ensure that your content is taken seriously and meets industry standards.


Improving the quality of your content written by a non-native English writer:

  • Your content will be unique and engaging. Which will help you receive higher rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo! etc.
  • Your conversion rate will be higher and sales volume will increase as your content resonates and appeals to wider markets.
  • In the long run promoting your website or blog using poorly written content written by non-native English writers will be more costly than using our professional native English proofreading and editing services.
  • Obtain higher SERP results with quality native English written content
  • Using proofreading or editing services on your written content will ensure that your written material is of the highest standard, and will reflect well on your business and attract customers.
  • Your investment into 11Creations incomparable proofreading and editing will give you a good return by gaining the respect of customers, creating sales and obtain higher search engine ranking.

Every successful online marketing campaign, online blog and e-commerce business must have premium quality written content to separate them in this highly competitive market. Using premium written content that is carefully crafted by our professional native English content writers will attract inbound links, build trust with your customers, improve your business credibility and demonstrate authority in your market.

11Creations has helped many businesses succeed online through the high standards we have for editing and proofreading. Premium quality writing is filled with relevant, well-researched content so that your website pages are ranked well with search engines. We can supplement your standard writing material by ensuring that your content is factually correct, logically organized with the correct spelling and grammar. Our premium standards also include proper formatting of your pages and text material to match your brand voice. We will include bold and italic text; bullet points and lists; concise and complex sentences and varying length of paragraphs to make your content visually appealing yet easy to read.

We help clients succeed online using our services!

Let us take the hassle of writing quality content so that you can concentrate on other aspects of your business! We can write one short article or hundreds of long articles!

Order your content writing today, by scrolling down and using the “price calculator” to purchase or complete the custom quotation form with your requirements for us to get back to you with a quote within 3-24 hours. Please give as much detail as possible so that we can tailor the package to you.


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